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Blessing others blesses God.

There are so many ways to begin!


Honor God

Honor God and His Word by reading the Bible again, or for the first time.

Learn who God is

Learn who God is and what He wants for you and from you. How about Micah 6:8? “He has told you, O man (every person) what is good. And what does the Lord require of you but to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly before your God”. This is a great starting point and so simple. It has been a guidepost for me on my lifelong (64 years) journey!

Pray with humility

Pray and humble yourself before God. 2 Chronicles 7:14

Help Others

Help someone in need.

Adopt this Message

Adopt this message and make it part of a sermon series at your church.

A Theme for your Group

Make it a part of your homeschooling activities or your group motto or mission.

Shop Our Products

Check out our clothing and other products to assist you in your mission to help spread the word and bless God!

America Bless God

America Bless God

America Bless God

America Bless God

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