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I know a woman who I admire. She is my hero and one who inspires and encourages me to be all that I am made to be. When I am confused about anything in life, I can go to her and find direction and inspiration. There is truth in her counsel and she shows the path to success, if I am willing to listen, then spring into action.

The woman who I admire is the one of Proverbs 31: 10-31 in the Bible.

Recently, I went looking for solid truth on how to navigate this world, which is full of conflicting viewpoints. Instead of another humanistic opinion, I found depth, truth, solid advice and the path to success, real life, and real love in her example.

I read the New King James Version of this passage and rewrote it in a paraphrase. It connects with me in more modern language as I apply its concepts in all that I encounter in life.

I, actually, placed my first name in the place of “she”, “woman” and “her”. The personal touch that took place will alter my life forever! I have found a path, a course and the will to put into action in my heart and mind, these precious truths. Amazingly, they are transferrable to every woman in every stage of life.

I challenge you, as I am challenged, to take the leap, trust again, begin with yourself and be all that you are made to be! I encourage you to read Proverbs 31: 10-31 in multiple versions straight from the Bible, searching out any concepts and words that you may not, at first, understand. Obviously, not every line and concept will apply to every person in the same way.  I encourage you to apply, one concept at a time, that which personally speaks to you for your life. Put your name in the blanks and prepare to soar on the wind in confidence that you are pursuing truth!

( Your name here), who is excellent in every area is rare. (Your name here) is worth more than precious jewels when you find her. Don’t let her go!

( Your name here ) can be trusted in safety, reliability, loyalty, and in motivation. It only brings gain and benefit to know her! Especially to her husband.

( Your name here ) spends her whole life thinking of others and only doing good to them and for them.

(Your name here ) seeks out treasures in the form of fabrics (wool or flax) from sheep and plants. Materials with which to work and produce.

(Your name here ) is willing and enthusiastic about working to produce something of great use.

(Your name here) makes great efforts with focused purpose to be fruitful to provide food (or income).

( Your name here) is not lazy but a hard worker, sleeping enough but not too much, so she can provide food to eat (healthy food, quality food) for her own family and for those whom she employs.

( Your name here ) looks diligently for land and after much consideration, she buys it with money she has earned. Then she plants a vineyard.

( Your name here ) does what it takes to be physically strong (eat, sleep, exercise).

(  Your name here ) is confident and pleased with herself and her produce of goods is excellent!

( Your name here ) does not run out of money for oil (or electricity).

(Your name here ) stays focused on producing things of value and is concerned about the issues facing women and is about building up other women as well as herself.

In (Your name here )’s hands she holds the spindle (the keys to a fruitful, happy life) not tearing down others inside or outside of her household.

( Your name here ) helps those who are poor. She helps those in need (financially, physically, encouraging, available).

( Your name here ) is prepared for bad weather or hard times. She makes fine clothing for her family (high quality, not cheap or trashy).

( Your name here ) is not afraid of the future.

( Your name here ) makes complex and richly designed home décor and clothing for herself. Her clothing is fine linen and purple!

( Your name here )’s husband is known because of her honor and integrity as well as for his own. He is honored and honorable.

(  Your name here ) makes linen garments and sells them and is even known to supply other merchants with their “sashes”. They look to her for her expertise.

( Your name here ) exudes strength of character, physically and Godly.

( Your name here ) is happy and successful and she knows it! The future looks bright and full of hope.

When (Your name here ) talks, wisdom comes out and, also, kindness for everyone!

(Your name here ) is not idle, but keeps busy and focused on her own business (not focused on judging others).

(Your name here )’s children bless her and they like her because she is a living testament to having a life of victory, living for and blessing God.

( Your name here )’s husband praises her to others and praises her to her face and in private, too. “There are many beautiful and Godly women, but you outshine them all.”

Being charming in order to deceive is not attractive in a woman. Physical beauty may come and go. Loving, obeying, and blessing God is what will bring praise to a woman for a lifetime.

Being fruitful (producing good things with talents and skills) will bring rewards and happiness to the woman who understands and acts on the things in life that really matter.

What (Your name here ) chooses as her path is what she will reap (experience out of life) in the long run and in God’s timing and forever.

(Your name here )’s own good choices will exude from her and speak praise for the woman of God!

This woman is loved by her Creator and she clearly understands and grasps the immeasurable value of that love. This is the strength from which she is able to move forward with confidence. This woman is to be admired and I know that I can emulate her while I love myself and seek to be worthy of admiration, too! The secret is to know how very much I am loved!

The Proverbs 31 woman is you, too! Speak it as if it were true because that is what will give you the strength and the inspiration to get back up every time you fall. God is waiting and wanting to give you the gifts that you desire; fulfillment of your dreams, talents and relationships. Ask Him to help you and never doubt that He loves you, hears you, and sees you. He is not far off….but close by and close to your heart. Are you looking for truth and inspiration? You have found them both in Proverbs 31: 10-31.